Current condition: clear sky
Temperature: 77.54ËšF
Feels Like: 76.08ËšF
Wind Speeds: 6.46mph
Humidity: 23%
Probability of precipitation: 0%
SNP will be distributing meal boxes for students to have during the fall break. It will begin at 8:30am on Monday, 9/30/24 at the Physical Plant complex located at 1325 Washington St., Anthony, NM 88021. Families will have to provide the students' names and student ID numbers to receive a box for each student. The distribution will continue until supplies are gone. Please put this message and the attached map in a REMIND message to your parents. Mr. Carmona, please post to the main GISD webpage. It will also be posted on the SNP webpage.
Thank you,
â–¶ Currently at Loma Linda Elementary
â–¶ Currently at Gadsden Independent School District